Always 25% discount on your ride

More benefits with MyWheels Pro

Do you have a long ride ahead of you or do you ride more often? Then a subscription is a good idea. For only 25 euros per month you get a 25% discount on every ride. You can cancel or adjust your subscription monthly. This way you only pay for it when you really need it.

More than just a discount

With MyWheels Pro, you drive affordably and enjoy extra flexibility when booking and canceling your trips. We've listed all the benefits for you:

  • Cancel your ride for free
  • Shorten your trip by up to 2 hours for free
  • No €1.50 unlock fee per trip
  • Share your subscription with two others
  • 25% discount on kilometers and hours
  • Can be canceled monthly

Is a subscription what you need?

A subscription is cost-effective if you drive more frequently, plan a long trip, or value having a lot of flexibility. Do you spend €100 on MyWheels trips in a month? Then you'll definitely benefit from a Pro subscription. If you share your subscription with your partner or housemate, you'll enjoy the benefits twice as fast.

When I expect to make a lot of trips in a month, I switch to Pro.

Mario uit Leiden

Share the convenience by sharing your subscription!

Want to share discounts with your housemates or family members? You can share your subscription with up to two people living on the same address. This way, housemates or family members can enjoy the same discounts and benefits without needing to get their own subscription. When sharing a subscription, that €25 will prove it's worth in no-time. MyWheels Pro is already more cost-effective with just one long trip per month.

View all MyWheels subscriptions

  • For a long ride
  • When you drive frequently
  • To share with house mates
No subscription
From € 3,50 /uur + € 0,37 /km

Handy if you drive sometimes Unlock fee € 1,50 Costs to cancel or shorten the ride

Check our subscriptions in the app
Always 25% discount on hours and kilometers
From € 2,63/hour + € 0,28/km

No unlock fee

Cancel your ride or shorten it for max 2 hours for free

cancellable on a monthly basis

Always 10% discount on hours and kilometers
From € 3,15/hour + € 0,33/km

No unlock fee

Cancel your ride or shorten it for max 2 hours for free

cancellable on a monthly basis

All prices shown in this overview are inclusive of VAT. Our subscriptions can be adjusted or cancelled monthly. Want to know more? Check out our FAQ and our terms and conditions. Read more about other costs.